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    Behind the Bible’s stories about the rich and the poor

    Wealth and possessions have divided people ever since time began. Jesus spoke into this division when He said, “life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.”

    Are contentment and ambition enemies?

    The word “ambition” often is used with suspicion in Christian circles. Perhaps because the word “selfish” is often associated with it! Don’t miss this important discussion.

    What should our attitude be about work?

    When we meet someone for the first time, we usually ask “What do you do?” So much of our identity is linked to our work, but how do we keep our jobs from defining us completely? Listen in as we explore our relationship to our labors.

    A conclusion we all need to hear

    Americans might be tempted to roll their eyes at the shorter work week that some nations are known for. But the people of those nations might shake their heads at the number of hours Americans put in at work. So, what’s the proper balance?

    Growing our relationship with God while we work

    Today we continue looking at how we can honor God while on the job.

    Who our real boss is

    Imagine you’re at work, and just a few steps from you, or in that office upstairs, was the Lord Jesus Himself! How would you work differently? Today our special guest Scott Rae reminds us that the Lord Jesus is on the job with us!

    Work as God originally created it

    A lot of people live for the weekend, dragging in to work on Monday and counting down to Friday. But God wants us to have a different attitude about our work week.

    A new way of looking at your job

    In our waking hours, we spend about eight to ten hours at work. Work occupies a large part of our lives. Today, special guest Scott Rae joins us to talk about our work as both a calling and a vocation. Listen in as we discuss some life-changing concepts.

    Jesus the Messiah: Unlocking Old Testament Prophecy

    The ancient Hebrew Scriptures predict the coming of a Messiah, who will rescue His people and bring peace and justice to the world. Throughout the centuries, Jesus’ followers have claimed that hundreds of these prophecies were fulfilled in Him. But where are those predictions and how can we uncover their true meaning? Jesus the Messiah: Unlocking Old Testament Prophecy, on this Day of Discovery.

    Approximate runtime: 26 minutes

    The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53, Part I: The Mystery of Deliverance

    Join Dr. Michael Rydelnik and other biblical scholars as they engage in a captivating discussion to unlock the mysteries of one of the most fascinating passages of Scripture. You’ll gain insights from the Jewish and Christian perspectives as you examine the interpretations and implications. Discover and explore the clues that help to reveal the mystery […]

    The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53: The Mysteries Explored

    Exploring the ancient prophecy of Isaiah 53 is one of the most fascinating studies one can make. Some say it reveals the story of the Bible in just a few verses. At the heart of the mystery is identifying the one called “My servant.”

    Judaism most often identifies the suffering servant as the people of Israel who also have suffered throughout history. Those who believe Jesus was the Messiah of Israel see Isaiah 53 as predicting Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, centuries before he lived. Can both interpretations find common ground?

    Hosted from Israel, this 4-part DVD presents biblical scholars who discuss the clues and interpretations. Participants include Dr. Michael Rydelnik, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Michael Brown, and Dr. Darrell Bock.

    Also included: Bonus 30-minute documentary exploring the historical and archeological setting for Isaiah’s prophecy of hope and redemption.

    Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired.

    Approximate running time: 150 minutes (30 minutes for each program)

    The God who knows everything about us and loves us anyway!

    We often feel the need to put on masks and hide ourselves from other people. Yet, Jesus invites us to come to Him as we really are. As we wrap up our discussion on Hebrews, special guest Dr. Sid Buzzell encourages us to know the God who knows everything about us and loves us anyway.

    The comfort of knowing that Jesus knows everything

    What if someone could hear your every thought, see your every action, or experience your every emotion? Scary idea, right? Well, join us on “Discover the Word” today as we continue our study in Hebrews and talk about how Jesus knows everything about us, but that’s not necessarily scary. It’s a great encouragement!

    What is the Word of God?

    Join us today as we study a particular passage in the book of Hebrews. Is the living, active, and sharp Word of God described in chapter 4 a book . . . or a person? Today let’s talk about a new way of understanding a familiar verse in the Bible.

    The Jewish Foundation of Christianity, Part II: From the Temple to the Church

    The Jewish Foundation of Christianity, Part II: From the Temple to the Church

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